Coyote Introduction
Coyotes, also known as 'America's song dog' have unfortunately earned a bad reputation. But coyotes have ecological importance just as wolves do. Although these canids are significantly smaller than wolves, they have a role--keeping the rabbit and rodent populations under control.
The coyote (Canis latrans) is a canine ranging virtually all over North America; most commonly found in Texas. Coyotes weigh 20-40 lbs and are typically brown or buff-colored. These canines are also called the brush wolf or prairie wolf; although, the coyote is not a wolf. The coyote's diet largely consists of white-tailed deer, rabbits, and wild berries.
Coyotes and Wolves. What's the Difference?
Wolves and coyotes are both canines and belong to the Canidae family. They are, however, different species of canids. Another contrast between these two canids is that the wolf is the ancestor of all domestic canids and the coyote is not.
Ecological Role/Preventing Conflicts
Coyotes have long since acquired a negative reputation. But why? We tend to regard coyotes as pests that must be eradicated. But this couldn't be further from the truth. Like wolves, coyotes have an ecological role in the ecosystem. Ticks, for example, carry chronic illnesses such as Lyme Disease which, in some cases, can be fatal. The majority of coyote predation is targeted toward systematic carriers of the disease. Coyotes help reduce those numbers.
Moreover, coyotes are so widely persecuted due to attacks on domestic animals and livestock. Unlike wolves, coyotes frequently prey on livestock, which is a leading factor in their persecution. If you're concerned for your pet's safety, it's advised that you keep your animal indoors (attacks on pets almost always happen outside). You can use the following to prevent conflict with livestock:
Spicy or bitter deterrents such as cayenne pepper, vinegar, etc.
Motion sensor lights (coyotes are extremely timid)
Remove any food items you may have outside as this can be alluring to coyotes
Electric fencing
The Brutality of Coyote Slaughter
Our goal is to stand up for underdogs like coyotes and end the persecution of wolves and other wild canids. Coyotes face challenges in the wild just as wolves do. Like wolves, coyotes fall victim to trapping, snaring, and brutal wildlife-killing contests. More than 500,000 coyotes are slaughtered each year with no federal protection. Coyotes are just one of the targets for wildlife killing contests--which is exactly that; a contest in which whoever kills the most wildlife (or a species individual) wins the contest.
Luckily, this futile 'sport' was banned in several states including New Mexico, Arizona, Massachusetts, California, Colorado, Washington, and Maryland. However, it is still prevalent in the rest of the U.S. Killing coyotes does NOT reduce their numbers. Attempting to exterminate a coyote (or wolf) can lead to non-target species becoming caught in snares and leg-hold traps. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources reported in 2012 that nearly 35 dogs were killed in traps. It's an agonizing, and inhumane death for both target and non-target species.
How Can I Help?
You can help by informing others about coyotes and the unseen brutality that they endure. You can also oppose traps, snares, etc. Some organizations are anti-trapping and are working to eliminate trapping once and for all. We urge you to support their work and spread the word; either through our page or theirs and we can deliver righteousness for the underdog.